How does a ban on cryptocurrency work

how does a ban on cryptocurrency work

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If Congress were to pass legislation banning them from listing cryptocurrency assets, the cryptocurrency market would quickly fade. When we say the ban, we mean that the transactions between the bank and your crypto exchanges will be stopped. This means that you will not be. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the government has banned crypto outright outright. Saudi Arabia, In , the Saudi Arabian.
Comment on: How does a ban on cryptocurrency work
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In December , the Monetary Authority of Singapore reportedly stated that "[w]hether or not businesses accept bitcoins in exchange for their goods and services is a commercial decision in which MAS does not intervene. In the bill, bitcoins are classified as property and are not considered legal tender. Retrieved 19 February Find this comment offensive? Bitcoin use had tripled in that time, perhaps because people came to the conclusion that if the government was banning it, Bitcoin might be worth a look after all.